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"Path of Faith".  St. Mary's Church, Cloghan.

In November We Remember

Easter 2023 in St. Rynagh's Church

Cloghan Window Restoration 2022

Listen to the Season of Creation

The beautiful cake that Sr. Maura and Caitriona Feighery made for 2nd Class, who made their First Holy Communion on Sat. 7th May.

The lovely outdoor crib in the Garden of Hope, Cloghan.

The Cloghan Remembrance Tree for the month of November.

St. Rynagh's Church - In November we Remember

St. Mary's Church, Cloghan - Garden of Hope

Repair & Restoration of the Stained-Glass Windows in St. Mary’s & St. Rynagh’s Churches:  St. Rynagh’s - The Rose window, Banagher was storm glazed which included fitting 6mm thick plate glass outside the stained-glass window, sealing with waterproof silicone and when set, finishing off with a coating of putty while leaving adequate ventilation cut outs at the base and apex of each individual glass segment, to allow for movement of air.   Also, various weak joints in the stone framing were sealed with a “Tec 7” compound where the cement pointing had fallen out. The window has also been sealed around the perimeter of the stonework framing and obvious gaps in the outer wall in that area, all in the hope this will help prevent any leaks in the future.  Total Cost €6,537.   St. Mary’s - The Gallery Window, Cloghan, the old storm glazing was removed and the opening temporary glazed. The stained class was taken to Abbey Stained Glass Studios for conservation and restoration.  When the glass was removed a big presence of woodworm in around the apex and dampness and decay were found in the wood frame.  At the higher level the softwood glazing slip was like a sponge and even reduced to a white powder.  The woodwork frame has been replaced with a hardwood frame and treated and painted.  Abbey Studios returned to the site and fit the restored stained glass.  Total Cost €13,936.90.   We received a grant of €5,000 from Offaly Co. Council – Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2021 towards the window in St. Mary’s.  It is hoped to continue the restoration works in 2022.  Thank you for your support and generosity.  Pictures below.

The finished Cloghan Gallery Window

The Cloghan Gallery Window in St. Mary's Church that is being repaired at present.

The Rose Window in St. Rynagh's Church that was recently renovated - Storm glazed and sealed by Abbey Stained Glass.


Lumcloon Confirmation Class  8th Sept. 2021

The Benemerenti Medal was presented to Caroline McGee, Cuba Avenue, Banagher in St. Rynagh’s Church on Sat. 25th Sept. at the 6.30 p.m. Mass.  Caroline served with seven priests over her 30 years of service and dedication to St. Rynagh’s Church and parishioners.  We wish Caroline good health and happiness.

The boys and Girls from St. Mary's N.S. who made their Confirmation on Tues. 7th Sept. 2021.

Aerial Photos of St. Rynagh's Church, Banagher, taken by Patrick McKeon, Photography.

Easter St. Rynagh's & St. Mary's Churches 2021

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes - Feast – 11th February

Fr. Pat prays at Our Lady’s Grotto in Cloghan.



St. Brigid's Feast Day - 1st February

St. Anthony and Holy Mary in St. Rynagh's Church.


Our Lady and St. Bernadette - The Grotto in St. Mary's Church, Cloghan.

Grotto Pictures - St. Mary's Church.  Before and After.  Thanks to all who were involved in the restoration.

St. Mary's Church

Easter in St. Rynagh's Church

Sacred Space in St. Mary's Church.


Wednesday 26th Feb. start of Lent

A lovely display from our Church Flower Group for St. Brigid's Day